Topics: AN fitting, braided hose, installing, tools
Today I will show you how to install AN fitting onto braided hose by simple tools.
Tools that may be used: electrical tape, cutting nipper plier, and electrical circular saw.
Step 1: Cut the hose
Usually, when we get a braided hose, you may find it is all frayed out at the end. There is no way would be able to put nut on there. What we need to do is to trim it.
Firstly, find yourself some electrical tape. Wrap the hose for about 12 wraps, until it is about 1/8 inch thick or thicker.
Secondly, get yourself a cutting nipper plier for cutting the hose on the middle of the electrical tape wrap. You are just trying to cut through the electrical tape, but do not need to cut it off. Just make a cutting line on it.

All right, now you are gonna cut that off with an electrical circular saw. Right on that line.
Now you have got a perfectly smooth end of the hose.
So you can slip the nut on and then roll it up on there like this.

Step 2: Install the hose end fitting
I will show you how to do that. Here in the second, politely take the tape off. Just be careful when you go to the last wraps, and make sure you will not tear the braided line down.
Here we can see that, the end of hose is suitable to install a fitting than before.

Then we are gonna grab the hose and gonna spin the hose end fitting. Roll it up to the hose.
Keep roll and push the hose in until it reaches the end of thread in there.

Step 3: Install the coupling fitting
Then we get to the third step. You are gonna put some lube or anything that is lubricant on the barb of coupling fitting here. And on the threads Just a little bit.
Then you are going to push in. It is a good idea to clean the inner of hose end before. Push the coupling in and keep screw it.
Another good tip is to take a little piece of electrical tape just like this. Put it right where under the nut (hose end fitting) , so this way you can see where the barb is.

Here, you may find difficult to screw the fitting in by hand. I usually use 2 pieces of wrench. One put on the nut, and another used to twist the coupling fitting. Fix one and twist another one.
When should we stop twisting it? It is the time when you can see there is no space in between the two parts of fitting. It makes it look like a nice fitting.
Here is the last step, remove the little piece of tape. Here is one AN fitting done perfectly.

Then you can do the same thing to the other end. That is how we install AN hose fitting. Thanks for watching.